He woke up when the alarm beeped and sat upright on the bed . He was glad to be on leave. He had made plans for the whole day. He would meet all his friends and have a blast. He was having his breakfast when his phone rang. ‘Hello?’ ‘Is this Dex Carr?’ a stern voice demanded. ‘Yes, I’m speaking. And you?’ ‘It’s your boss,’ the voice fumed. ‘Oh,’ Dex was confused, ‘Good morning sir. I’m sorry I couldn’t recognize your voice. Is everything fine? How did you like my report?’ ‘You call that a report?’ the voice thundered. ‘Come to the office immediately. I think we have serious matters to discuss.’ ‘But sir,’ Dex was helpless, ‘I’m on a two-day leave.’ ‘I don’t care if you are on a month’s vacation. Come immediately or be ready to get fired tomorrow.’ The phone was disconnected. Dex did not know what to do. He had waited so long for this day. But now his job was at stake. He quickly went for a shower and got dressed. Then he opened his briefcase and filled some files in it. ...